
Showing posts from August, 2019

Best Criminal Lawyers in India

  Criminal Law is the Law associated with crime. No wonder it is referred to as the Law of Crimes. It is concerned with all kinds of wrongs committed against the public. All kinds of criminal acts are prohibited by the local, state or federal governments under numerous statutes. An individual must be punished for the offence he or she has committed. Hence it is said that Vicarious Liability is unknown to Criminal Law. It deals with the following: - Corrective Justice - Police System - Prison System The Functionaries The following are functionaries in the criminal justice system: - Prison - Police - Courts Some of the public officials can prosecute criminal defendants. Officials such as the District Attorney (DA) are allowed to do so. Why Criminal Law is Needed? It is important to give a significant framework for punishing the criminal. Other reasons include: - Provisions for the State for allotting punishment and keep social order undisturbed. - Prevent othe